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COURSES Quick Facts




BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety


1003 hours - 10 days face to face plus pre-course research, self-study, workplace practical and additional group learning sessions


Available on Request


$2200 per person


In all our locations!

Diploma Of Work Health & Safety Course Overview

The Diploma of Work Health and Safety is aimed at those who coordinate and maintain the Work Health and Safety (WHS) programs in an organisation. It reflects the role of practitioners who apply a substantial knowledge base and well-developed skills in a wide variety of WHS contexts.

This qualification is comprised of 5 core units (listed below) and 5 elective Units of Competency which may be chosen from the BSB51319 package as listed on training.gov.au:

BSBWHS513Lead WHS risk management
BSBWHS515Lead initial response to and investigate WHS incidents
BSBWHS516Contribute to developing, implementing and maintaining an organisation’s WHS management system
BSBWHS519Lead the development and use of WHS risk management tools
BSBWHS522Manage WHS consultation and participation processes

Target Audience

The Diploma Work Health and Safety is aimed at those who are working in a Work Health and Safety (WHS) Coordinator / Manager role and develop, coordinate, maintain and implement the Work Health and Safety (WHS) systems, programs, procedures and initiatives in an organisation or company.

Course Delivery

Face to face training and assessment is conducted at one of Link Resources purpose built training facilities. Upon arrangement, training and assessment can be conducted on-site at the premises of industry clients providing there a suitable infrastructure and industry training facilities.

Link Resources Training Facilities:

Brisbane: 18/229 Junction Road, Cannon Hill QLD 4170

Sunshine Coast: 8 Technology Drive, Warana, QLD 4575


Students who are deemed competent will receive the nationally recognised qualification BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health & Safety recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework. This certification is nationally recognised. The Statement is issued by Link Resources Training Pty Ltd (RTO 45483). Students who do not complete the entire qualification but are deemed competent in units of competency will receive the nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for the units(s) they have been deemed competent in which is recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework. This certification is nationally recognised. The Statement is issued by Link Resources Training Pty Ltd (RTO 45483).

Payment Options

Please see the Link Resources Payments, Cancellations and Refund Policy below in Student Information for all details on Payments for your course.

Payment can be made via direct bank transfer, eftpos, cash or cheque. For billing information including who to write a cheque to, please email accounts@link-resources.com.au or call (07) 5491 2144

Entry Requirements

All students must be literate in the English language (no interpreters allowed).

At enquiry, students can enter the program by expressing an interest and being sent an information pack that contains a booking notification and course information (Course Brochure). This interest process enables the RTO and client to work together to ensure the course is suitable for them and to identify any additional support needs & make adequate provisions.

All students must have completed all core units in BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety or equivalent competencies:

  • BSBWHS412 Assist with workplace compliance with WHS laws
  • BSBWHS413 Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes
  • BSBWHS414 Contribute To WHS risk management
  • BSBWHS415 Contribute To implementing WHS Management Systems
  • BSBWHS416 Contribute to workplace incident response

Students entering the BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety must be able to demonstrate a high level of vocational competency in a Work Health & Safety Management / Coordinator level role, and currently be employed in a role with responsibility for Work Health & Safety.

Evidence of vocational competence must be supplied upon enrolment. Each student will be required to submit a current resume, position description and/or letter from employer.

Students must also have an understanding of the Workplace Health and Safety Legislation; which will be verified via a challenge test on day 1 of the training (face to face).


Training & Education Pathways: After achieving these units of competency students may undertake a range of associated resources and infrastructure units and qualifications.

Employment Pathways: After achieving these units of competency students may seek employment in civil, construction, resources, manufacturing, utilities and maintenance industries.